Alumni Spotlight: Andrea | Where are they Now?
Palmer Scholars exists to bridge the gap between POTENTIAL and OPPORTUNITY
for young adults of color in Pierce County.
Our founders Merle Palmer and Rev. Al Davis created Palmer Scholars to address the societal inequities that prevent otherwise highly capable young adults of color from achieving their dreams and ending generational cycles of poverty.
At Palmer Scholars, we do not believe a 4-year degree is the only avenue to a successful life. We expose our Scholars to all educational and career pathways and give them the tools to choose the postsecondary program that best fits their strengths, whether that is a 2-year, 4-year, or apprenticeship program. We have several entry points for Scholars receiving our services:
Serving young adults of color from the time they are juniors in high school through postsecondary program completion. Scholars may choose to attend any postsecondary program, whether that be 2-year, 4-year, technical college or apprenticeship.
Serving young adults of color between 18 and 26, who are neither enrolled in a postsecondary program nor gainfully employed and have an interest in pursuing a career in the trades.
Serving young adults of color between the ages of 16-24 who are disconnected from education or gainful employment and have an interest in learning how to take the next steps for their future.
Connecting young adults of color with a free platform to engage with like-minded individuals based on shared background, interests, or affiliations. Palmer Connections offers academic and career guidance, opportunities for mentorship, and a wealth of resources.