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Washington Women’s Foundation Awards Palmer Scholars $100,000 Grant


The Washington Women’s Foundation recently awarded Palmer Scholars with a $100,000 grant. This is, to date, the largest single grant Palmer Scholars has received, and funding will be used to support career-connected learning opportunities for Scholars, specifically through the Palmer Pathways initiative.

The Washington Women’s Foundation’s mission is to create a strong and inclusive forum of informed women who together influence community transformation. The group does this through individual and collective discovery, high-impact grantmaking, and listening to and respecting all voices in the community. Each year Washington Women’s Foundation awards organizations in five categories: Arts & Culture, Education, Environment, Health, and Human Services.

“This investment from the Washington Women’s Foundation will not only help enable the smooth and successful launch of our pre-apprenticeship program (Palmer Pathways),” Palmer Scholars Executive Director Jonathan Jackson said. “It will enable us to expand career-connected learning opportunities for all of our Scholars, helping them identify and successfully navigate their best-fit career path! We are beyond grateful!”

The grant will be used to support career-connected learning and the Palmer Pathways initiative. Palmer Scholars recognizes that there is no one avenue to success. When we work with our Scholars to find their best-fit postsecondary program, they are better positioned to succeed in completing that program and transitioning into a family-wage career. Palmer Scholars supports this work through wraparound services, including postsecondary readiness training, mentoring, scholarships, and ongoing socioemotional support services.

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